Father Paul
Tel: 01883 743252
Email father Paul

Parish Office
Tel: 01883 818324
Email the Office


Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Lent, Holy Week and Easter


Ash Wednesday 

11 am St Peter and St. Paul Church Nutfield

7:30 pm St. Mary the Virgin, Bletchingley

Lent Discussion Group commences 11th March  see more here 

Stations of the Cross and Lent Lunches - St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Nutfield Each Saturday throughout Lent (08th March - 12th April) 12:30 pm in St. 

Stations of the Cross starts at Noon

Lent Lunches start at 12:30 pm. If you are coming, please inform Charmaine about Catering as soon as possible. 

Text her on 07794 432623 or  email clyus@icloud.com




Sunday's in Lent - 9th, 15th, 23rd March and 6th April

8 am Said Eucharist in St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley

9:30 Parish Eucharist in St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley (9th March is Family Service)


Mothering Sunday - 30th March 

8 am Said Eucharist in St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley

9:30 Family Service with flowers for Mum's in St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley


Palm Sunday -  24th March 

8 am Said Eucharist in St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley

9:30 Parish Eucharist (Starting in Villiage Hall) in St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley


Holy Week

Monday - Wednesday in Holy Week 8 pm Compline in St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Nutfield

Maundy Thursday 7:30 pm Liturgy for Maundy Thursday, including washing of the feet in St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley


Good Friday - 18th April

11 am Good Friday Matins in St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Nutfield 

3 pm Good Friday Liturgy in St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley 

7:00 pm Good Friday Service in St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Nutfield


Easter Vigil - 19th April

St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley

7:30 pm Service of Light and first Eucharist of Easter


Easter Day - 20th April

St. Mary's Church, Bletchingley

8:00 am Said  Easter Eucharist

9:30 am Easter Celebration for families with Holy Communion

St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Nutfield

11 am Easter Celebration for families

6:30 pm Choral Evensong





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